We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us.
— Winston Churchill
You have the opportunity to design your future, including how you will respond to and navigate what you don’t directly control. The design process incorporates how you define success and what you will do to continue to grow both professionally and personally. This is not only about what you want to do, but why you want to do it, which then leads to alternatives on how you can get there. Career development starts with personal leadership. Partnering with a coach is a great way to design and establish your leadership foundation.
The Esprit de Merci Leadership Foundations Program provides an experiential learning environment combining individual self-paced assignments, small-group facilitated workshops and a one-on-one session with an experienced certified executive coach over several weeks to:
Explore your history, values and strengths
Recognize how you lead with your energy; how you show up for and respond to a given situation
Identify, articulate, and refine your authentic operating style as a leader
Improve your understanding of how your leadership style relates to others
Understand and leverage the power of “hidden diversity” within a team
Recognize when things are out of alignment and identify potential courses of action
Create leadership vision and clarify goals
Develop your personal leadership Design Principles to use as a basis for goal setting, planning and decision making
Connect with fellow participants and become part of an ongoing Esprit de Merci community
Leadership Foundations is a virtually-delivered offering open to anyone who is ready to do the work, build community and have fun along the way. Each cohort is limited to 6 participants.
Connect with us via the link below for more information.
Note: Participants must be available to attend a weekly series of four 90-minute group sessions via Zoom and will schedule a personal one-on-one coaching session as these conclude.
I'm more aware of myself and others. I'm conscious of how I relate to the world around me and how I navigate within that.
I now realize that we all are leaders in some way and at some point even throughout each day. The program has been effective in helping me realize this and navigate how I can lead and be the best me. Also, it has opened up some very interesting conversations with my husband, my family and coworkers, and I'm thankful for that.
I will navigate with more awareness of my own energy and how it affects those around me.
I loved the camaraderie. We really liked and respected each other.
I will have more confidence in my actions and decision making processes.
I enjoyed the opportunity to participate with others whose goals were to gain insights in order to reach a higher state for themselves.
I was able to put words and meaning to my personal strengths — learn about myself introspectively within the group.
I never took the time to truly self-reflect on myself. Days, weeks, months, and years go by so quickly that sometimes it is a blur … I have set aside time once a week to simply reflect on what was accomplished and what have gone right in life.
I’ve gained so much knowledge through this program which has allowed me to confirm things about myself that I may have thought about in private but have shared in an open forum. Every day I am thinking and integrating my Design Principles into my life.